Supplements can be beneficial to overall health because they can provide the body with essential nutrients that may be missing from the diet. Some people may have dietary restrictions or allergies that prevent them from getting all the nutrients they need from food alone. Additionally, certain life stages such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, and aging can increase the body’s needs for certain nutrients. Supplements can also help to fill gaps in nutrition, provide extra support for specific health concerns, and support overall well-being.

Additionally, our fruits, and vegetables can have nutrient deficiencies due to soil depletion. Soil depletion can lead to a decline in the nutritional value of produce because nutrient-rich soil is essential for the growth and development of healthy plants. When soil is depleted of nutrients, plants may not receive the necessary amounts of essential minerals and vitamins, which can result in produce that is less nutritious. Additionally, soil depletion can also lead to an increase in pest and disease problems, which can further reduce the nutritional value of produce.

The type supplement you take is key to overall health.  The absorbability of tablet-based supplements can vary depending on the type of supplement and the individual’s physiology. Some tablets may be formulated with ingredients that enhance their absorption, such as enteric coatings or special binders. However, other tablets may not be as easily absorbed by the body.

One reason for this is that tablets are often made with binders and fillers that can slow down or interfere with the body’s ability to absorb the active ingredients. Additionally, some supplements, such as certain forms of minerals, may not be well absorbed in tablet form. They may need to be taken in a different form such as chelated form.

It’s also important to note that tablets are usually taken orally and the absorption of the nutrient can be affected by the gut’s health, enzymes, and pH. Taking supplements with food or on an empty stomach can affect the absorption rate. You cannot solve a digestive health issue with a product that requires digestion.

One of the main benefits to taking our drops is that they address all of these benefits of supplementation without being affected by our digestive system. All of the nutrients are absorbed directly through the mucosal membrane in your mouth.

It’s important to note that while supplements can be beneficial, they should not be used as a replacement for a healthy diet, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimen.

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